Journey to healthier lifestyle (Part 4)

Meal Plan

credit to: Google Images

In order to explain more on my new meal plan, first, I need to share on my new and improved grocery list. *wink-wink*

Well, I decided to have more high protein meals throughout my healthy diet. 
That means, I will "stay away" from my ultimate favourite food which is the rice. 
But, since I do have bad experiences regarding "stay-away-from-favourite-food" phase quite sometime ago, this time around I also decided to reward myself with one cheat day for every 6 days of healthy diet. 

Don't ever think that cheat day is not important. 
Cheat day is VERY IMPORTANT!
Cheat day gives me strength and really helps me to go through the following week smoothly. 

So, back to my healthy meal plan / grocery list. 
I always go to the nearby grocery store which is the Tesco to find all the needs for my new meal plan. 
Since the focus is on high protein food, so I decided to eat more fish and eggs. 

I'm a huge fan of salmon.

credit to: Google Images

Salmon fillet is quite expensive. 
But, salmon block is much cheaper. 
Especially in Tesco. 
I can get 7 pieces of salmon blocks for around RM 37.00 - RM 40.00 (depends on the market price)
Affordable right? 
And they're usually so fresh but you have to come early to the store so that you can get the best looking ones. 😃

credit to: Google Images

Below is my usual grocery list:

Broccoli / Cauliflower
Mixed Salad 
Japanese cucumber 
Cili padi (choose cili padi kampung because they're more spicy than the long ones)
Watermelon / Honeydew
Apples (Red / Green)
Oranges (I always buy Navel Oranges) 
Lemon / Lime
Sunflower / Canola oil (brand: Naturel) 
Coarse Black Pepper
Smoked paprika powder / Cayenne pepper powder
Fresh herb (Rosemary, Thyme, Mint) 
Mustard (brand: Heinz)
Tabasco Pepper Sauce (brand: Tabasco)
Cili Padi Sauce (brand: Taste~Me)
Sambal belacan (brand: Adabi) 
Baked beans (brand: Ayam Brand Light)
Eggs (brand: NutriPlus Classic Egg - M)
Sliced Cheese (brand: Mother's Choice Extra Light Cheddar)
Parmesan Cheese (brand: Perfect Italiano)
Skim Milk (brand: F&N Magnolia)
Soy Milk (brand: HomeSoy - No Sugar Added)
Yogurt (brand: Nestle / Marigold)
Dark chocolate with Mint / Almond (brand: Sugarless Confectionery) - I always bought this one at Cold Storage
Salmon blocks
Chicken breast / Chicken fillet 

Basically, I will shop for fresh food once for every ten days. 
But, the dry ingredients or the sauces normally would last for almost a month or two. 

The choice of protein is mainly depends on my mood. 
If I really in "salmon mood" then, I'll stock up a lot of them in my fridge and spend the whole week eating them. 😆 
Generally, it really up to you for your choice of protein. 
Choose whatever you love to have. 
It can be sea bass (siakap) or bawal or tenggiri or even ikan kembong. 
Just try to consume more white meat than red meat.  
White meat do have lower fat than red meat. 

You can always choose low fat milk instead of skim milk. 
I chose skim milk because my coach told me that it is better than the low fat ones. 
But, skim milk's price is a bit expensive than the low fat milk, so sometimes, I will replace it with low fat milk (brand: Nestle / Dutch Lady) 
You can also choose to buy fresh milk as well. 
Just avoid buying whole milk or full cream milk. 

If you are a lactose intolerant person, you can drink soy milk instead. 
Choose the one with no sugar added. 
You can always put a drop of stevia in your unsweetened drink. 

My coach encouraged us to choose Greek Yogurt instead of normal flavoured yogurt. 
But, I prefer the normal ones because they are less thick and not that tangy compared to the Greek Yogurt. 
I also love to eat unsalted baked almonds and pumpkin seeds for my snacks. 
Sometimes I will put them in my yogurt. 
They will add crunchy texture in my soft yogurt. Yummsss!!

So, that's all for my sharing on the grocery list. 

I will continue in Journey to healthier lifestyle (Part 5) for my meal plans / healthy recipes (Cik Panda's style)

Drop your comments or opinion in the box. 
Let me know what you think. 😄


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